Maine – Wells Beach 2024 – 10,000 Pound Coast Guard Buoy Beaches after Nor’easter

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Keywords: Buoy, Coast Guard, Beached Buoy, Seascape, Wells Beach, Wells, Sea, Shore, Shoreline, Colorful, Coast, water, Reflection, Ocean, Sand, Beach, Sky, Light

Description: A fierce Nor’easter hit coast Maine April 4, 2024 and at some point, a 10,000-pound Coast Guard Buoy broke free and finally beached itself On April 11 on Wells Beach. For two weeks, the buoy gained a LOT of attention and attracted residents and visitors to come see something you just don’t see every day – an untethered 10,000 buoy on a beach! Kids climbed it and adults rang the bell, kids put their initials on it and everyone posted for selfies and professional photographers across New England came to get the ‘perfect’ picture – at sunrise, sunset, and other times. On April 22,2024 the Coast Guard towed it back into the sea for a trip to be restored and then to be placed back in its original location. What a treat to see this in person!

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